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RedBox Recorder
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Red Box Recorders

UK Based organisation with over 20 years experience in voice recording


OEM Product for RACAL, THALES & NICE Systems (WordnetTM)

Global Presence

Recording Solutions
Record all Telephony & Radio systems
– Traditional (TDM), VoIP, Dealerboards, Radio, TETRA, etc.
Full integration – detailed search and replay

– All calls
– Specific extensions / devices
– Record on demand
– Exclude certain calls / devices, Simple migration
– Move from TDM to VoIP – same server, simply update the interface license, Future proof and green
– Record any technology in a single server, Totally browser based
– Easy to roll out, support & use, Sector Specific Reference Sites Finance

– UBS, Cantors Fiztgerald, Lloyds TSB, Allied Irish, Cooperative Bank Government

– 14 London Boroughs, Dundee City, North East Consortium Contact Centres

– YES Loans,, Games Workshop, Punch Taverns etc, Emergency Services

– The MET, Thames Valley, South Wales, West Midlands, Cambridge and more.PetroChememical

- Chevron Education, Transportation, Travel & Leisure, Home Shopping, Health,Military

– pretty much all markets, if they communicate over telephones or radio, we record it!

NICE Logger
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“The NICE Recording solution gives us a complete record of each event – dispatcher entering the call into CAD, communicating with the caller or officers, and a scene video. It already helped us solve sixty robberies.”

NICE Recording (NRX) is the most powerful communications recording solution available today, specifically designed to meet the mission-critical needs of the public safety emergency communications environment. It reliably logs and synchronizes 911 calls, including digital,analog, and VoIP calls, conventional and P25 radio transmissions, text–to-911 interactions, video, images, console screens, locations from geographic information systems (GIS), and integrated feeds from other sources such as CCTV video. NICE Recording scales and adapts
from single PSAP centers to complex environments with multiple sites, networks, or multimedia calls.

NG9-1-1 Ready

NICE Recording spans all forms of Next Generation 9-1-1 communications in a unified solution, including inbound and outbound text messages agnostic to text aggregation solutions or delivery methods – Direct IP, Web Interface or TTY. Tested at Iindustry collaboration events, NICE Recording is a future-proof platform designed to comply with National Emergency Number Association’s (NENA’s) i3 MSRP and the European Emergency Number Association’s (EENA’s) NG112 standards.

Uprecedented Flexibility & Scalability

Apart from recording audio and SMS text, you need to be able to integrate with other systems for expanded data collection, have flexible recording and storing options, quickly find recorded communications, and have the ability to easily and securely share information on moment’s notice. And it all needs to be done cost effectively. NICE Recording provides you with these benefits and many more.

Intuitive All-in-One Interface

NICE Recording is packaged with the web-accessible NICE Inform application for feature-rich yet easy to use industry-leading evidence management that helps you organize, synchronize and put all of your multimedia incident information into context.

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